The Importance of Eye Contact In Advertisements

You may not know it but eye contact in advertisements is very important. If this simple component isn't there you will easily lose your customer. There are psychological ideas around the concept of eye contact.

Firstly we are wired to recognize faces even if they don't belong to a person. A second area in the brain distinguishes if the face is real or not. Another processes for emotion. The eyes help convey this information.

When your advertisement contains a model who is making eye contact, it creates a more personal feel. The customer will look longer at the advertisement and is more likely to remember. Images with the model looking away are less inviting and almost as if attention isn't warranted. There is a less personal feel and a missing link.

Psychologically eye contact is something that can't be ignored. It can create dominance, intimacy, authority and attention. Eyes can communicate emotion and other messages as well. Not all advertisements have to have eye contact though.

If your model is looking away it can communicate other emotions as well. This can be shyness, seriousness, fear, anger and other ranges of emotion. These are used depending on the nature of the advertisement and what the marketing is trying to convey.

To get the most out of advertising you need the right media. LED light boxes offer premium advertising with clarity. This technology is composed of a brightly lit fabric or acrylic displays. The illumination is provided by bright LED back lights inside a metal framed box.


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