
Showing posts from August, 2018

The Charm of Silhouettes

Of all the photography techniques available silhouettes are the most intriguing. They offer only a partial feature of the main object. The rest of the details are left to the imagination. There are other fine features of silhouettes. Recognition Silhouettes can create immediate connections if they are done effectively. For example the apple logo has a instantly recognizable silhouette. Other familiar objects are instantly recognized and can be associated with the advertisement. Allure We are always curious about something that isn't completely view. For this reason the outline of figures is a way to provide a preview of a product to come. It provides just enough allure for you to want to see the full product. If it is a figure of a man or woman it creates attraction. Creativity Figures can be used to create an creative advertisement. Like you can choose to have your product directly on display or you can create something more creative with silhouettes. With figu

The Importance of Eye Contact In Advertisements

You may not know it but eye contact in advertisements is very important. If this simple component isn't there you will easily lose your customer. There are psychological ideas around the concept of eye contact. Firstly we are wired to recognize faces even if they don't belong to a person. A second area in the brain distinguishes if the face is real or not. Another processes for emotion. The eyes help convey this information. When your advertisement contains a model who is making eye contact, it creates a more personal feel. The customer will look longer at the advertisement and is more likely to remember. Images with the model looking away are less inviting and almost as if attention isn't warranted. There is a less personal feel and a missing link. Psychologically eye contact is something that can't be ignored. It can create dominance, intimacy, authority and attention. Eyes can communicate emotion and other messages as well. Not all advertisements ha

Wedding Photos - How To Get Real Smiles

Weddings are great life events. Aside from celebrating two people in love it's also a memorable family gathering. It takes a lot of planning and patience to put on and it can be stressful. You want to have the best wedding pictures possible on your big day. This means you want to eliminate looking stressed or showing strained smiles in pictures. There are simple ways to get natural smiles in your wedding photos. Happy Thoughts Royals and celebrities get training so they can produce great smiles for the press. Ideally they think of a moment that has made them happy or made them laugh. You can do it too. The better the memory the easier it will be to evoke a great smile. Set aside time to go through happy memories. It's easier to think of memorable moments with your partner. Fake Laughter This may sound awkward but it's good idea to do fake laughter. It will evoke real laughter since you feel silly. If possible get a baby to laugh. Their laughter is contagious